Friday 2 January 2015


New year,  New me

2014 was a great year for me and I am sad to see it end, however, I hope that 2015 will be just as amazing, if not better! Following the new year, I promised myself I would try to stick to the New Years resolutions that I have made; Here are a some I wish to accomplish before 2015 ends...         

My Body

Ever since I was born I have never been 'skinny.' I was a very chubby baby and by chubby, I don't mean cute pinch-able cheek chubby, I mean Michelin Man chubby (I had the rolls and everything)
Look at those little sausage fingers!

So this year I want to get in better shape, whether that means walking home from school more (it takes about an hour and it's all uphill - the main reason I hate doing it!) or eating healthy and cutting out snacks. Each year I challenge myself this and each year I fail but I want this year to be different. My Aunts wedding is in September and my whole family (there's 14 of us) are going on holiday to Turkey so I would very much like to be fitter for that!

I also want to drink more water. At the moment I maybe drink 500ml a day which is nowhere near enough. I take a 500ml bottle of water to school with me each day so I want to drink 2 of them at school then a further 2 at home.

As I am still a teenager, my skin is very temperamental and very spotty. So in the new year, I want to start looking after it better and along with drinking more water, I want to find a good skincare routine and stick to it. 


Nails - My nails are in desperate need of repair due to repeatedly wearing fake nails and not looking after them as I should. Even though I am not allowed nail varnish at school, when I do wear it, I let it chip then wear it out for as long as I can before it practically dissolves off my nails. So this year I want to make more effort with them.

My collection of makeup brushes sit in the corner of my dressing table in shame, each covered in a thick layer of makeup and dirt - this is probably one of the other reasons my skin is so bad. So in 2015, I want to clean them at least 2 times a month instead of once every so often.


Keeping this one short and sweet - I want to be happier at school and work harder. Theres no there way to put it, school makes me moody and I don't put enough effort in.

Finally - last but not least - this blog. This is my first blog post and I hope to continue making them as it makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. I want Little Miss Chitchat to be something I look back on with a sense of pride that I created it. 

I would love to know what your new year resolutions are in the comments below!
Thank you for reading!

Ta Ta for now!

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